Perhaps you always do your best to go to bed at a decent time. You might even have a nightly ritual that helps you unwind from the day and get into the right mindset for sleep. And yet you still feel tired day after day. If that scenario sounds all too familiar, you are far from alone. Countless individuals drag their feet through everyday life while they wonder why they are so tired all the time. In this post, we explore some common reasons why you might constantly feel like you aren’t getting enough rest.
Poor Quality Sleep
Even if the quantity of your sleep seems adequate, its quality may be lacking. Some things that can disrupt your sleep and make it less effective than it should be include:
- Too much light in your bedroom
- Drinking alcohol or caffeine too close to bedtime
- Blue light from your smart device is suppressing melatonin production
- There is noise pollution in your area
- A poor quality mattress
An Undiagnosed Medical Condition
Chronic fatigue syndrome is in itself a serious medical condition, but in some cases, that continual feeling of sleepiness is actually due to a separate health problem. For example, obstructive sleep apnea can disrupt your breathing at night, making it impossible for you to fully benefit from the time you spend asleep. A sleep study, conducted either at home or in a sleep clinic, may be what you need to receive an official diagnosis so you can begin treatment.
A Sedentary Lifestyle
It might sound counterintuitive, but too much rest — that is to say, too much physical inactivity — can actually make you feel sleepy. One reason why this is so is that exercise reduces stress hormones in the body and encourages the production of serotonin, which is essential for high-quality sleep. Trying to stay active for at least 60 minutes a day, even if you’re just walking around the neighborhood or cleaning the house, may help you to feel refreshed and energized.
You Aren’t Getting Necessary Nutrients
A lack of important nutrients can be a big contributor to chronic fatigue. Some nutrients that are vital for helping you to feel alert include:
- Vitamin D
- Iron
- Vitamin B12
- Omega-3 fatty acids
If you think your diet is to blame for your tiredness, chat with your doctor about your concerns. They may recommend certain supplements, or they might recommend some specific foods that could help you feel better.
Constant exhaustion can compromise the quality of your work, the quality of your life, and your long-term health. If you believe any of the above factors are making you tired all the time, professional help, and/or minor adjustments to your lifestyle, might be just what you need to start feeling like your best self.
About the Author
Dr. Keith Hollinger is a dentist whose practice focuses on treating orofacial pain and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), among other things. He uses his expertise to design custom oral sleep appliances that help patients breathe easier at night. If you have recently been diagnosed with OSA, he would be happy to talk to you about your treatment options. You can contact our team at 860-430-5687.
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